Gentleman is a mindset
Gentleman, a mentality that is so current today, as never before!
In our blog you will find everything you need to know about being a gentleman.
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What tie knots are very easy to learn?
I know I've already addressed simple, respectively mandatory tie knots in a post, but those were far from all.
Have fun trying it out.
What is a tie dimple and how do I integrate it perfectly?
There are many tie knots, but a true gentleman pays attention not only to the perfect knot, but also to that certain something that distinguishes him from others:
the dimple.
With which tie knots can I impress others?
All good things come in threes.
And here comes the third part of the expert tie knot series. If this is the first one you come across, don't forget to check out parts one and two as well.
Which tie knot will make me stand out from the crowd?
You have not had enough with the last few tie knots at expert level and want more. Then you're in luck, because I still have some to present.
Which tie knot can make me stand out?
We have reached the elite level of tie knots. These knots showcase character and draw everyone's attention to them. However, they also require you to take enough time to truly master them.
How should I care for my suit? How to make your suit immortal
A suit is an investment in your appearance and your career A well-maintained suit can open doors for you and put you in the best light.
But how do you properly care for a suit?